Start out Small. With your yard.


Dream it & Design it.

It all begins with a desire to create spaces not just for humans, but a shared space for the critters who make our ecosystems thrive. Without them there is no color, food, life. Let us help you design a landscape that benefits all.

We will design with you and teach you all we know about designing pollinator and bird habitats. Let’s get wildscaping!

Not sure of how to pay for the install all at once? We can help you develop a phasing plan to break up the install process over a couple of years. We are also familiar with local garden grants available and can help you apply.

Build it.

There are three ways to install your dream eco-landscape:

1. Outside Help: Hire landscape installers. We can recommend and help you find the right team.

2. Self-Install with Garden Coaching: You can install yourself and hire us on an hourly basis as a garden coach to help guide the more difficult parts of your install.

3. Install Workshop: Let’s plan an install workshop! We can help you plan, invite your neighbors, and host a workshop in your yard and install with friends.

Grow it.

After your garden installation, we can help you develop low water use irrigation plans, and maintenance plans that will fit your hectic schedule.

Now, sit back, relax and enjoy your new eco-landscape that created habitat not just for you, but for all.

You’ll be amazed at all the different types of pollinators and birds that will visit your yard, maybe even stay - the ultimate compliment.


Connect it.

Now that you’ve got a thriving habitat in your yard, share it. Let us know if you’d like to join citizen science initiatives and/or become part of community bee, butterfly, and bird watching events. We work with a lot of community groups like Fort Collins Nature in the City and Audubon Rockies and help coordinate yearly native seed and plant swaps and can get you involved right away.

Share it.

Don’t forget to have fun with your new landscape and invite friends and family over for habitat hangs. Every season will have new colors and wonders. Show your space off and share your knowledge about the pollinators and birds who love your yard as much as you do. You are now a habitat ambassador!

Recomend it.

Now that your habitat is designed, installed connected, and thriving tell your neighbors, families and friends! They too can participate in planting for pollinators and birds. Give them our email, website, or number and we’ll help them get involved in the mission to protect, create, and expand habitat for all.